So I haven't posted in over a month. Here is an update of what I have been up to.
I went to my first rugby game ever. I froze my butt off. This picture took about 10 trys.

Disneyland with the family! Whoo! I love Disneyland so much. We went for my mom and Melissa's birthday. It was so much fun!
Here we are on my favorite ride ever, Splash Mountain. At some point during our two days at Disneyland every single one of us was soaked because of this ride.

Waiting for It's a Small World. There are some rides you have to always go on, no matter how lame they may be. You may notice the look of pure joy on Reed's face as he can not wait to go on this ride.

At the end of our two days. We were on Main Street and we were leaving. You may notice that my Dad is wet from Splash Mountain.

I have been trying to read the Count of Monte Cristo for ages. I bought it a few summers ago and I always started it but never got that far into it. I just couldn't get into it in the summer's and then I didn't feel like I could justify reading it while I was in school and had text books to read. I am proud to say I have finally read it. Oh yeah, it was unabriged. Super long but way good.

So a few fun things have happened in the last bit. I am looking forward to an awesome summer.