More and more lately I see young men with various types of mustaches everywhere that I go. They turn what may have once been a good looking young man into an unattractive young man. Often, the mustache makes them look creepy (not a look most girls are looking for).
I have often wondered why anyone would choose such a look. I have come up with a hypothesis. The Honor Code at BYU prevents young men from growing beards while attending school (unless by some chance you have a beard card). However, mustaches are allowed. In an effort to prove their masculinity and that they can indeed grow facial hair young men have resorted to the mustache.
I urge great caution to anyone who is considering growing a mustache. Very rarely can this look be pulled off. In my opinion, it is better to not even try.
Although these are not specific young men in the Provo area I feel as if they convey everything that I am thinking regarding the moustache.
The current world mustache champions (I'm not even joking, I saw the competition on ESPN a few weeks ago):

I just have one thing to say: Eww.
My brother once told me that when he has kids he is going to teach them that if they ever see a guy with a mustache or a mullet to just run away. Creepy indeed.
hey, Suzy! Your blog is fun, it looks like you're doing well! and with your post.. haha...... yeah, i agree. Most facial hair is nasty. It's esp shocking and even more of a turn off when you see it at BYU. being on campus you don't see it for a really long time, then all of a sudden some guy has a stache, and ewww!!!
This is a real problem. What is next? Coach shorts?
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