Last night my friend Michelle and I went to the fabulous performance of Boyz II Men. I am not going to lie, I really liked it. I was a little skeptical at first but I thought, hey why not, this could be fun. And it was amazing! Although Boyz II Men were a little bit before my time, I still knew a few of their songs. So first of all, I loved the harmonies. I feel as if this is a dying art. It is rare these days to hear that and it is so incredible. Secondly, these guys can still dance (something that I really wish was one of my talents!). Thirdly, I am pretty sure that these guys had not performed for a crowd of this size and who had so much enthusiasm in years. They kept saying things like "You have know idea how much this means to us" and "Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, this is incredible." Then they started bringing out their own cameras and taking pictures. It was really fun because they were so into the crowd. Last of all, these guys are incredible entertainers! I think that my favorite section was when they sang Motown hits. I really enjoyed it. The only down side of the evening came from the special, special people who were next to us and were feeling the effects of their alcohol, oh well, it was still a fun concert.
Wow, Boys II Men huh? That is pretty awesome. Can't say I epected that one but it sounds like it would have been a lot of fun. Glad you enjoyed it!
Yeah, Boyz II Men where during my growing up years, so you know they're old! I bet it was fun though--I always kinda liked their music.
Those guys are still around? I thought they got killed or something during the LA Riots?
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