So after four fabulous years in Provo, I have graduated and moved out of good old Provo. The problem is that I have no job. Sad! Right now I am attempting to find a job, which is definatly not my favorite thing in the world, in fact it is quite frustrating. So if any of you out there have any great job ideas, let me know! Until I find a job, my parent's are being great and letting me crash here in Bluffdale with them.
Oh yeah, only 5 more days till BYU Football, I AM SO EXCITED!!!
Silentish Saturday!!
1 day ago
Good Luck Suz, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!
SuzyQ - We sure miss your face. I will ask around and see what comes up.
AHH I hear ya sister!!!! Ive found mostly it just takes time...keep being patient. Im sure you will find something!!! In the mean time I am SOOOO happy you are in Bluffdale, you should stay here!! :)
The necropsy people here at the Vet School are always looking for good help... You get over the smell after a while.
Oh, wait, you went to school so you wouldn't have to do that sort of job. Nevermind.
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