So last night and today I have witnessed two things that just make me wonder. The first occured last night when I went to a country concert with a few of my friends. The concert was over at the UVSC/UVU baseball field and featured Josh Gracin, Collin Raye, and Joe Nicholes. The concert itself was fun. But in between acts I got a little confused. They brought out a Neil Diamond impersonator. Immediately when I think of Neil Diamond I think of two things, my 6th grade teacher Mrs. Damjanovich making us learn all of the words to "America" (Far, we've been traveling far...) and the second is a classic quote in my family from What About Bob? "There are two kinds of people in this world, those who like Neil Diamond and those who don't." (Obviously Mrs. D. loved him) Well I began to wonder last night and more particularly today, what motivates an individual to be a Neil Diamond impersonator? Do you stand in the mirror one day and think to yourself "Wow, I have an uncanny resembalance to Neil Diamond, maybe I should impersonate him." Is it a love for tight pants and sequined shirts that make you choose this career path. Or is it just a deep rooted love for all things that are Neil? Pretty much I am confused.
My second confusion point came this afternoon as I went to my aprtment for my lunch break. As I often do I watched Gilmore Girls on ABC Family as I ate. During one of the commercial breaks came an announcment from ABC Family announcing their weekend programming. The announcement stated "ABC Family celebrates America with a Harry Potter weekend." This comes as news to me as I have never thought of Harry Potter as an excellent example of American Patriotism. What is an excellent example of American Patriotism you might ask, Neil Diamond's "America"! They're coming to America, today!...My country 'tis of thee (today) Sweet land of liberty (today) Of thee I sing (today) Of thee I sing! Today, Today, Today!
My second confusion point came this afternoon as I went to my aprtment for my lunch break. As I often do I watched Gilmore Girls on ABC Family as I ate. During one of the commercial breaks came an announcment from ABC Family announcing their weekend programming. The announcement stated "ABC Family celebrates America with a Harry Potter weekend." This comes as news to me as I have never thought of Harry Potter as an excellent example of American Patriotism. What is an excellent example of American Patriotism you might ask, Neil Diamond's "America"! They're coming to America, today!...My country 'tis of thee (today) Sweet land of liberty (today) Of thee I sing (today) Of thee I sing! Today, Today, Today!
So funny. I wonder how much a Neil Diamond impersonator makes? John Wayne movies or the Rocky series would definitely be more appropriate to celebrate America on ABC family. So funny.
Yes! I heart Neil Diamond! I wish that I could have been there. I think that Alan would be a Neil impersonator if I let him!!
haha I am not going to lie ... the creepiest part of the impersonator was how much he really looked/dressed/sounded like neil. awh!
I hope I am cool enough that one day people want to impersonate me ;) ... ok maybe not.
So what are you saying? Are you looking for a start in the entertainment business and want to start with Neil? ;)
Hey, I found the website of the Neil Diamond guy. Check it out...
He's from Vegas and he really does look and sound exactly like the real deal. Maybe they will get him to come back and do a concert by himself - that is, unless they can get Neil himself (Neil rules!!).
This is an awesome post Suzy.
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