Thursday, March 29, 2012

1 Year

It's hard to believe that today marks the 1 year anniversary of Reed's death. In some ways it feels like the time has flown by, but most often it feels like it has been the longest year of my life.

I miss Reed a ton. Sometimes I still expect to walk into my parents house and have him be there.

I will forever be grateful that I listened to the prompting to invite Reed to go to the Temple with me hours before his death. Those few hours will always be a special memory for me. Being able to chat with him one on one about the different things going on in each of our lives on the way there and back, stopping to get ice cream (the "husky boy" needed a treat) on our way home, and just feeling of his Spirit were simply perfect.

A little over an hour after dropping Reed off I was at my house reading the Book of Mormon when I had the most overwhelming feeling of peace. Within minutes my brother Tommy called to tell me Reed had been in an accident and it didn't look good, I needed to get to the scene. As soon as I got off the phone I felt the Spirit comfort me and tell me Reed wouldn't make it.

Never have I been so grateful for a knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and God's Plan of Happiness for each of us. I know that one day I will see Reed again. I miss him so much but what an incredible blessing it is to know that death is not the end.

“No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted. It ministers to our education, to the development of such qualities as patience, faith, fortitude, and humility. … It is through sorrow and suffering, toil and tribulation, that we gain the education that we come here to acquire.” - Elder Orson F. Whitney

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sunshine and Flowers

I love this time of year, there is such a sense of hope that comes with Spring! I absolutely love the newness and freshness of everything. I am such a sunshine kind of a girl and I'm so thrilled that it's been such beautiful weather the last few days. (too bad I have to work in an office and can't be outside all the time!) Best moment though, walking out of work and seeing these gems:

I love flowers! If I could, I would always have fresh cut flowers in my house, they make me super happy!

I know that Spring will probably play a few tricks on me as it has in years past and we'll still get a little snow. But for now, I'm going to love this sunshine!

Monday, March 5, 2012

A Few Things...

1. I would like to publicly thank February. Typically we have an incredibly rough relationship but this year it wasn't half bad. I'm not going to go as far as saying we're friends, but I don't despise it with every fiber of my being like I did last year.

2. 3rd row Jazz seats are incredible. Especially when the Jazz win big.

3. Loved being reunited with the Little Girls/Big 5/Fab 5 last weekend. Too bad we were slackers and didn't get a picture of us all together.

4. I love to teach Relief Society. I wish I got to do it more than every 3 months.

5. Getting to talk to my little missionary was fantastic!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Breakfast of Champions

The last few weeks I have tried harder to have a healthy breakfast (green smoothies, muffins, etc.) Today was not that day. Combination of running late, realizing I left my work computer at home half way to the office, my favorite Valentines treat from my mama, and being exhausted resulted in the following combination:

1 slice of strawberry pie + 1 McDonald's hash brown + 1 large Dr. Pepper = the Breakfast of Champions

I don't even regret it.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Jazz Fever!

Free tickets to the Jazz vs. Clippers game
+ Fantastic Friends
= One great night! (even if the Jazz lost)

Back to Blogging, I think...

Life is good. Perfect, no. But overall I am one blessed girl to live such a great life. Things have changed a bit in my life since my last post. New position at work, new callings, Tommy leaving on a mission, a new car and loads of other stuff. Change tends to be a theme in my life, I choose to embrace it. With my new job I have gone to loads of meetings about furthering the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have felt over and over again that I need to start blogging again. I don't know why and I don't know what about necessarily. (especially since I don't feel like I have loads of spare time on my hands plus I don't think that anyone even checks this anymore) But I have decided to start up again. I plan on just posting some of the random loveliness that occurs in my life, dwelling on the positive. Even if it's just for my own benefit, at least I will be able to look back on the many great things I experience in life.