Today I feel the great need to address a growing societal trend that is occurring in the greater Provo area. I am very troubled by the things I have witnessed. At times even disgusted. You may be wondering, what societal ill is Suzy so concerned over? Well my friends, it is the greater emergence of the mustache.
More and more lately I see young men with various types of mustaches everywhere that I go. They turn what may have once been a good looking young man into an unattractive young man. Often, the mustache makes them look creepy (not a look most girls are looking for).
I have often wondered why anyone would choose such a look. I have come up with a hypothesis. The Honor Code at BYU prevents young men from growing beards while attending school (unless by some chance you have a beard card). However, mustaches are allowed. In an effort to prove their masculinity and that they can indeed grow facial hair young men have resorted to the mustache.
I urge great caution to anyone who is considering growing a mustache. Very rarely can this look be pulled off. In my opinion, it is better to not even try.
Although these are not specific young men in the Provo area I feel as if they convey everything that I am thinking regarding the moustache.
The current world mustache champions (I'm not even joking, I saw the competition on ESPN a few weeks ago):
It turns out: + Was anyone else shocked?
1 day ago