Monday, August 16, 2010


Lately I crave change. I know that's not exactly normal but it's true. I love change. So big change #1: I moved out of Provo. After being there for 6 years I decided it was time for something new. As of right now I'm just living at my parents until I find something. I want to make sure I'm moving into a good ward/area so I'm taking my time and scouting things out. I feel really good about this decision even though I never thought I would be moving back with my parents.

Big change #2: my little brother Reed is getting married tomorrow. Crazy. I do love Jen though and think that she is the perfect match for Reed. I'm so excited for them. And I'm excited to go to my first sealing.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I finally saw Inception last night. Loved it! Reason #1: I've never seen another movie remotely like it. Ever. I can't remember the last time I saw something so original. Reason #2: It was crazy awesome. Those two words must be used in describing this. Reason #3: It totally blew my mind. Seriously. Reason #4: The clothes were awesome. Reason #5: The music. The soundtrack was perfect for the movie.

Pretty sure I will be seeing this one again.