Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Come What May and Love It

To say that this last week has been rough would be an understatement. I don’t think I’ve ever felt heartache at this level in my life. But through the trial my family is experiencing I have grown. I’ve never felt such an outpouring of love as I have this week, especially from my Savior. I feel like my relationship with my Savior Jesus Christ has strengthened immensely. I have felt his love for me so strong. I know that he knows me and is aware of my situation and is lifting me up. Isaiah 41:13 says, “For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.” I don’t know if there is a more comforting statement then to know that our Lord will hold our hand and help us. I am so grateful for the Atonement.

This last week I’ve also felt how much the Holy Ghost truly is a comforter. I can’t even describe the peace that I have felt despite the hard things happening. I know that I’ve been lifted and strengthened to be able to do hard things. I’ve been reading a lot of church talks. I love this statement from Elder Jeffery R. Holland in the talk “For Times of Trouble.” “In the gospel of Jesus Christ you have help from both sides of the veil and you must never forget that. When disappointment and discouragement strike—and they will—you remember and never forget that if our eyes could be opened we would see horses and chariots of fire as far as the eye can see riding at reckless speed to come to our protection. They will always be there, these armies of heaven, in defense of Abraham’s seed.” Not only does more comfort come with this knowledge but I have honestly felt it.

I truly feel so blessed. In no way is this easy, but if life were easy how would we grow and become the people that our Heavenly Father wants us to become? I have embraced the statement and talk from Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin “Come What May and Love It.” I know that how I react to adversity is huge. I choose to react with faith in the Lord. One of my favorite scriptures the past few years has been Doctrine and Covenants 123:17. It is part of the revelation that Joseph Smith received while in Liberty Jail. It says, “…let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the Salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed.” So I will cheerfully do all things that lie in my power. I am determined to. I have faith in my Savior that he loves me and will never leave me alone. And for that I will love him for eternity.

“Remember an unfailing, continual, ever-present source of peace and comfort is available to you. It is the certainty that your Father in Heaven loves you no matter what your circumstance, no matter what winds of trial, turmoil, or tribulation whirl about you. That certainty will never change.” (Elder Richard G. Scott, The Sustaining Power of Faith in Uncertainty and Testing)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Looking Forward To...

I have a lot to look forward to in the next few months. Here are a few of the items:

• Seeing The Color Purple with some awesome girls
• Reed and Tommy’s Birthday
• Tommy’s School Play (he is the lead in South Pacific, everyone should go see it)
• Harry Potter 7 (yes, I’m aware that makes me a nerd)
• Thanksgiving
• Trip to Arizona to see Monday night football! (my first NFL game)
• MoTab Choir Concert
• Melissa Coming Home
• Christmas!
• My Birthday
• Week long Eastern Carribean Cruise with friends (my first cruise)

Friday, October 29, 2010

A Halloween Treat

Cause who doesn't love to see me dressed up as a werewolf?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Random Fact of the Day

I've had the skirt that I'm wearing today since 9th grade. No joke, I've had it for 10 years.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sugar Cookies

Considering my love for sugar it should come to no surprise to anyone that I love sugar cookies. Homemade are definately my preferance but there are some delicious store bought alternatives.

Confession: I have ate 2 large sugar cookies already today. NBD.

Where these cookies came from is a grand story. Last night I went to my new wards fhe. I say new ward but I've been going faithfully every Sunday and gone to every FHE activity the last 2 months. I've even taught Relief Society. This last Sunday my records were finally transferred over. So back to the FHE activity. They were decorating sugar cookies to take to people who were inactive along with a flyer of upcoming activities. I happily decorated the cookies. Fast forward to this morning. I'm pulling out of the garage headed to work and my dad runs over with a plate in his hands. It was a plate of cookies from my ward that they left on the front porch last night. I don't know how I feel about that. While I am grateful for the cookies I'm not inactive, I go to all of the activities, I went to last night's activity, I talked to people, and it's not like I'm unknown.

Oh well, I'll just be the one eating her plate of sugar cookies.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

3 months and 3 days

Until this girl comes home from the Tucson, AZ mission.

We officialy found out her release date yesterday and we will be seeing her December 18th at 10:30 am. To say I'm excited would be an understatement.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Tis the Season...

Can you feel it? There is a change in the air. There is an added level of excitement. I love it. The anticipation has been killing me. All for the best season of the year, college football season. Specifically, BYU Football season.

Dear BYU Football,
Welcome to a brand new season. Good luck tomorrow. I will be there in the stands, faithfully cheering you on. Just as I always have. I have anticipated your return to my life for months. Just so you know, I love you. Please have a great season.
Your's always,

See I'm there rain or snow!


The love for BYU athletics runs deep in our family.

(just a few pics from some great football moments the last few years)

Monday, August 16, 2010


Lately I crave change. I know that's not exactly normal but it's true. I love change. So big change #1: I moved out of Provo. After being there for 6 years I decided it was time for something new. As of right now I'm just living at my parents until I find something. I want to make sure I'm moving into a good ward/area so I'm taking my time and scouting things out. I feel really good about this decision even though I never thought I would be moving back with my parents.

Big change #2: my little brother Reed is getting married tomorrow. Crazy. I do love Jen though and think that she is the perfect match for Reed. I'm so excited for them. And I'm excited to go to my first sealing.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I finally saw Inception last night. Loved it! Reason #1: I've never seen another movie remotely like it. Ever. I can't remember the last time I saw something so original. Reason #2: It was crazy awesome. Those two words must be used in describing this. Reason #3: It totally blew my mind. Seriously. Reason #4: The clothes were awesome. Reason #5: The music. The soundtrack was perfect for the movie.

Pretty sure I will be seeing this one again.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Needs vs. Wants

I really, Really, REALLY want one of these. Hopefully in the next few weeks it will happen.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm Back

So I took a blogging hiatus. I think I'm back now, we'll see for sure. I'm sure I will be updating the world on all of the exciting/not so exciting happenings of my life.

Here is a picture of me in case you forgot what I look like. I'm with my lovely roomies Kari and Randi at our FHE bottle rocket event. I know, our bottle rocket=amazing.

Monday, February 8, 2010

What a Gem

Today at work I was trying to find some different coroporate gifts. I happened to stumble across this beauty:

I mean really, who doesn't want their own gold plated slinky that comes in an oak box?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Saved by the Bell Birthday Bash

In honor of my birthday and my roommate Randi's birthday's (just 3 days apart), we decided to celebrate in style. Saved by the Bell style! What could not be great about this party. Here are some pictures from my 24th birthday, enjoy.

By the way, just in case you couldn't tell, I was Kelly Kapowski.



Kimmy had by far the best outfit mainly because of her incredible bangs.

Zack and Kelly