I absolutely love the Olympics! I have been looking forward to this years Summer Olympics all summer! I love to watch these athletes (many of which have incredible life stories) fight and compete to win and achieve their dreams. I love seeing world records broken and the excitement and sheer joy on the faces of the competitors. It is so inspiring! The most inspiring story I have heard from Olympics thus far has not been from one of the athletes but from another hero. Many saw the 9 year old little Chinese boy, Lin Hao, who walked into the Opening Ceremonies with Yao Ming and the rest of the Chinese team. His story is incredible! His school was demolished in the earthquake that China had a few months ago. He some how climbed out of the rubble and then went back in not once, but twice to save two of his classmates. I believe I heard that only 10 members of this class survived. When little Lin Hao was asked why he went back for his classmates despite the danger he said that he was a class leader, a hall monitor, and that it was his job to go back and help others. I almost strated to cry! What an incredible kid! He is a real hero! Plus, he is just so adorable.
On a different note of the Olympics. I love Michael Phelps and I hope that he goes on to win all 8 medals!
We are lovin the olympics too Suz! Our favorite so far was when the men's team won the swimming relay...talk about a nail biter!!!
The Olympics are always awesome, there is always something that catches me off guard and/or really impresses me. I stayed up way to late last night watching swimming, beach volleyball and gymnastics - good stuff. Good thing the Olympics come only every so often so I only mess up my schedule a little. Go team USA!!
I've been loving the Olympics too. That men's 4x100 swimming relay was amazing. I also really enjoyed the mens' 100m track final. There are so many *Wow* moments it's like a 16 day natural high. Love it!
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